

Mohamed and his companions attacked the Bani Mustaliq by suprise (see bukhari 2541), they killed the men and take women and children as captives, they procede to rape the women (see muslim 1438a were Mohamed allows the muslim to ejaculate inside their victims !). He even get his wife Juwayriya during this ghazwa, she has accept to be his wife in exchange of the freedom of her entire clan.
If some muslims goes to a kiboutz to kill and rape, are they still good muslims? In the 4:24 tafsir, specialy Ibn Abas it is said that muslims have to wait an iddah of one month for the captives. What kind of women can be raped without this waiting period of one month? Does the virgins have a waiting period?
Sahih:Al Bukhari:2541 (en en2)
 The Prophet attacked Bani Mustaliq without warning, getting Juwairiya as a slave Juwayriya, the war captive (8) Who is Juwayriya ? (2) Ghazwa de Bani Mustaliq (9)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:1986 (en en2)
 Juwairiyah prayed and fasted not to have sex with Mohamed Juwayriya, the war captive (8) Ghazwa de Bani Mustaliq (9)
Sahih:Muslim:1438a (en en2)
 It doesn't matter if you don't withdraw, because every soul must be born according to Allah's will. Juwayriya, the war captive (8) Treatement of slaves (28) Nikka, Lawfull sex (19) Sabaya, sex slave (20) Ghazwa de Bani Mustaliq (9)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:3931 (en en2)
 Mohamed manumited and married Juwayriyyah, her relative were freed as gifts for the marriage Juwayriya, the war captive (8) Wedding big curiosities (16) Who is Juwayriya ? (2) Ghazwa de Bani Mustaliq (9)
Quran:An-Nisa 4:24 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 You can't have sex (nikka lawfull sex) with married women, unless they are your slave Mut'ah, Temporary mariage (6) Wedding big curiosities (16) Treatement of slaves (28) Nikka, Lawfull sex (19) Sabaya, sex slave (20) Rules, laws and sharia (24) Fornication (10) Prostitution (5) Woman is a sex object (41) Ghazwa de Bani Mustaliq (9)